Journaling Template
Find a quiet place and time during your day. Use a note taking app (on your phone) or actual writing journal to answer the following questions.
1. What am I grateful for today?
2. What positive feelings am I feeling now or have felt recently? Use the Feelings Wheel.
3. What negative feelings am I feeling now or have felt recently? Use the Feelings Wheel.
4. What scripture passage did I read today?
5. What is one thing I learned about myself after reading the scripture passage?
Positive Affirmation
I was made in God's image. I am His offspring. He knew me before I was conceived. He chose me when he planned creation.
I am not a mistake. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. He has a plan for my future. I am His treasure possession.
My sins are not counted. I am not condemned. Nothing can separate me from His love. I am His treasured possession.