“He who works his land will have abundant food, but he who chases fantasies lacks judgment.” Bible Proverb
Whereas a man of fantasy says, “pick up and leave as soon as things get difficult”, a man who works the land says, “persevere through the tough times.”
Whereas the man of fantasy says, “allow failure to demoralize and stop effort”, a man who works the land says, “seek to grow through failure.”
Whereas the man of fantasy says, “be highly self-critical”, a man who works the land says, “apply generous amounts of grace to self.”
Whereas the man of fantasy says, “embrace comparison and external measures of success”, a man who works the land says, “avoid comparison, embrace uniqueness.”
Whereas the man of fantasy says, “value people based on material wealth, beauty and other external indicators”, a man who works the land says, “accept help, coaching and counseling.”
Whereas the man of fantasy says, “overlook small blessings, await the windfall”, a man who works the land says, “accept that blessings are God’s domain, whether small or substantial.”
Whereas the man of fantasy says, “blame, resent, never forgive, never forget”, a man who works the land says, “express gratitude; know that all things work together for good.”
Whereas the man of fantasy says, “win at all costs and acquire trophies”, a man who works the land says, “develop relationships.”
Whereas the man of fantasy says, “rest is for the weak and lazy”, a man who works the land says, “rest is rejuvenating and strengthening.”
Whereas the man of fantasy says, “live now”, a man who works the land says, “leave a legacy.”